SARA Environmental Monitoring.
SARA, is the system developed by Softech for environmental monitoring and analysis in airports and urban centers . Born in 1999, it is now present in almost all Italian airports and has crossed national borders, confirming itself as a reliable and innovative product even abroad.
Scalable, modular and with an intuitive graphic interface, it allows the collection of acoustic and air quality data coming continuously from the monitoring units, to correlate them to aeronautical activities by calculating the indexes required by the laws in force and processing the footprint to land of acoustic impact and air quality.

The SARA adaptability begins in the cabin where it is possible to filter the acoustic events based on their duration and sound pressure, eliminating environmental disturbances and background noise; it continues on the central system where it is possible to customize all the parameters and correlation criteria of acoustic events with aeronautical activities.
In the airport environment:
It allows to relate the acoustic events and the trend of the polluting agents of the atmosphere with the aeronautical activities through the analysis of the radar traces, when available, or of the planning of the flights.
It allows to view the radar tracks and to analyze their passage respecting the take-off / landing procedures defined for the airport.
It allows the detailed analysis of the ecotime histories of the parameters and of the frequency spectrum of one or more days to recalculate the events, reset the thresholds or modify the frequencies of the spectrum to eliminate specific disturbances.
The SARA architecture is multi-airport, fully developed with web technology and able to manage profiles and interface languages that can be customized for each user.
SARA interfaces with the instrumentation of the main world producers and is compatible with the main sound level meters on the market.
Softech supports its customers with a competent technical staff (econoise office ??), able to process data, draw up technical reports and prepare periodic reports on the functioning of the system.
Softech guarantees training to its customers and constant updating of the software as well as scheduled preventive maintenance and timely intervention in the event of a malfunction in order to guarantee the continuity of the service offered.
Other Features of SARA
• Weather data detection: the measurement stations can be equipped with meteorological sensors that help in the automatic or manual data validation phase.
• Audio and video: the measurement stations can be equipped with color IP cameras to be able to make an audio / video recording during the recording of an acoustic event.
• Detection of environmental pollutants: the stations can be equipped with instruments for measuring air pollutants such as fine dust, CO, NOx, BTX and many others. The user has the ability to view the data and put it in relation to the airport's traffic levels.
• Access permissions: the possibility of accessing, viewing or modifying the data in whole or in part is regulated for each user. It is also possible to customize the language of the system's graphic interface
• Connection: the connection of the control units to the central server can take place using various connection methods: LAN, WIFI, ADSL, 3G / 4G, GPRS, GSM.
• Daily automatic calibration check: on SARA workstations there is the possibility of configuring, over the course of a day, more calibration check checks in order to verify the correct operation of the measurement chain.
• Isophonic curves: SARA allows to extract the data for the creation of isophonic curves through the use of INM / AEDT models and to calculate the ground footprint of the acoustic impact and air quality.
ADS-B Receiver
ADS-B receiver which, using the technology of the same name, continuously processes information on the position of aircraft in flight and on the ground. The receiver, in addition to being completely integrated in the SARA system, can be interfaced with tools such as Google Earth for an easy and immediate display of traffic around and for the airport.
The SARA units
They can have different configurations based on the customer's request and the need to respect specific technical characteristics.
They can be equipped with solar panels and wireless connectivity to simplify installation activities, optimize respect for the environment and reduce operating costs.
They are equipped with a backup battery to guarantee operation in the event of a power failure and sensors to detect abnormal conditions or alarms (absence of voltage, open door alarm, high temperature, etc.).
Eco Trailer Mobile
Trolley equipped with an acoustic monitoring system with the same functionality and measurement systems as SARA. The eco trailer is the best solution for medium duration acoustic campaigns.
Low-emission ECO-FRIENDLY trolley, powered by both photovoltaic panels and four independent batteries that are automatically activated when solar energy is not sufficient. The cart feeds itself for 7 days.
Equipped with class 1 microphones and external stainless steel sound level meters.
Equipped with an e-mail alerting system in case of low battery, vandalism, temperature, power loss and others.
Data-logger with the SARA_MM Software.
3G wireless connection
ADSB technology for flight paths.
Totem for Environmental Monitoring
It is the latest product added to the SARA platform, our environmental monitoring system. Innovative, intelligent and with a high quality graphic interface, the SARA totem shows real-time environmental information to airport travelers.
Location of flights in real time in the airport region.
Real time information on the noise levels recorded by the stations during take-off / landing.
Trend of noise levels of the last 5 minutes.
Indicators of air pollution in the last hour.
Atmospheric pollution trend lasting 24 hours.
Real-time weather information.