SARA, is the system developed by Softech for environmental monitoring and analysis in airports and urban centers . Born in 1999, it is now present in almost all Italian airports and has crossed national borders, confirming itself as a reliable and innovative product even abroad.
Scalable, modular and with an intuitive graphic interface, it allows the collection of acoustic and air quality data coming continuously from the monitoring units, to correlate them to aeronautical activities by calculating the indexes required by the laws in force and processing the footprint to land of acoustic impact and air quality.

The SARA adaptability begins in the cabin where it is possible to filter the acoustic events based on their duration and sound pressure, eliminating environmental disturbances and background noise; it continues on the central system where it is possible to customize all the parameters and correlation criteria of acoustic events with aeronautical activities.
It allows to relate the acoustic events and the trend of the polluting agents of the atmosphere with the aeronautical activities through the analysis of the radar traces, when available, or of the planning of the flights.
It allows to view the radar tracks and to analyze their passage respecting the take-off / landing procedures defined for the airport.
It allows the detailed analysis of the ecotime histories of the parameters and of the frequency spectrum of one or more days to recalculate the events, reset the thresholds or modify the frequencies of the spectrum to eliminate specific disturbances.
The SARA architecture is multi-airport, fully developed with web technology and able to manage profiles and interface languages that can be customized for each user.
SARA interfaces with the instrumentation of the main world producers and is compatible with the main sound level meters on the market.
Softech supports its customers with a competent technical staff (econoise office) able to process data, draw up technical reports and prepare periodic reports on the functioning of the system.
Softech guarantees training to its customers and constant updating of the software as well as scheduled preventive maintenance and timely intervention in the event of a malfunction in order to guarantee the continuity of the service offered.