Sensors For Electric & Hybrid Vechile Testing And Development
Hybrid and electric vehicles present NVH testing challenges due to vehicle complexity and potential for problems with electrical isolation. NVH issues related to the addition of new electrical devices, gear whine, and vehicle resonances increase the number of NVH areas to be tested. Our broad line of accelerometers is engineered to meet these challenges, with ground and case isolation. These accelerometers are ideal for use in strong electrical fields generated by electric and hybrid vehicles. Electrical isolation reduces noise in these fields and eliminates ground loops.
Noise sources are distinct between electric vehicles and conventional vehicles due to their different types of power. Electric vehicles have systems that contribute differently to the interior and exterior noise levels and quality. PCB’s line of microphones are ideally suited with the precision needed to make accurate measurements in electric and hybrid vehicles. PCB’s model 378A04, the industry’s first prepolarized low noise microphone and preamplifier system, allows you to measure extremely low amplitudes found during electric and hybrid vehicle testing. The ICP® design significantly improves ease-of-use and lower per channel cost when compared to externally polarized models.